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Can I use Invisalign after I've had other dental treatments?

Can I use Invisalign after I've had other dental treatments?

Our North Delta dentists often treat adults who would like a straighter smile. Even if you have existing dental work such as implants, crowns, or veneers, Invisalign orthodontic treatment still may be an option for straightening your teeth.

Do you have complex bite issues, mild crowding, or just want a straighter-looking smile? Your dentist might recommend that you consider Invisalign clear aligners as a treatment option to help straighten your teeth and resolve orthodontic issues.

With many adults deciding to straighten their smile later in life, it's more likely that many of these individuals will have advanced dental work including crowns, implants, and veneers. 

Fortunately, you might still be a candidate for Invisalign if one of these additional treatments is already in place. 

How can missing teeth impact my smile?

While missing teeth are a fairly common problem, they can have a significant negative impact on your oral health. Besides leaving a gap in your mouth, missing teeth can also lead to misalignment in your remaining teeth and bite, and even cause gradual bone loss that can result in facial collapse.  

Fortunately, even if you've had dental treatments such as dental implants or others to replace missing teeth,  you might still be able to use Invisalign. 

Invisalign After Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-coloured materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. Even if you've had veneers put in, or are considering veneers, you can still be a candidate for Invisalign provided your teeth are healthy enough—the aligners will fit over the veneers in the same way they do over a tooth.

Your dentist will be able to let you know if Invisalign is the right decision for you. 

Invisalign After Crowns 

If you have bridges or crowns, your dentist will do an assessment to determine if you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign. For Invisalign clear aligners to be right for you, your teeth should be well-rooted and your crowns should be attached and firmly sealed to your teeth. 

That being said Invisalign is custom-fit to each patient, so if your dentist deems your teeth are suitable, there should be no issues in creating your custom trays. Your dentist may create clear attachments for the teeth to protect the crown and ensure that it remains intact

Invisalign After Dental Implants 

In most cases, you will be able to get Invisalign after dental implants. However, whenever possible it is recommended you go through the process of straightening your teeth before the dental implants are put into place. 

A dental implant cannot be moved like a regular tooth—it is permanently fixed to your jaw bone. If you have dental implants and are considering Invisalign, your dentist will take this into consideration to determine if clear aligners are suitable for your situation. If you have one or two dental implants, Invisalign treatment can usually be customized to move the teeth adjacent to the implant for a successful outcome. The more dental implants you have, the harder this process becomes. 

Every situation is unique. If you'd like to see if you're a candidate for a straighter smile using Invisalign clear aligners, please contact our North Delta dental office to schedule a consultation.

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(604) 591-6344